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Law Student Helps Hometown Fight Coronavirus


At the crucial moment, a law student is ready to dedicate himself and resolved to take responsibility, a display of what youngsters in the New Era are really like. A young life like this will even be brighter.

Wei Zeyu is a student from our school and enrolled in 2019. He helped his hometown fight COVID-19 not merely by words but by DEEDS. On Feb 3, 2020, he donated ¥2,000 worth of scholarship, which he earned in middle school, to Weigang community of Yitang township in Linyi city. The donation was for the community to buy protective gears.

After the outbreak, as the roads in the community where Wei lives were closed, the traffic was partly blocked, daily necessities and protective gears in families there were running low easily. Knowing that the community accepts donations, he immediately gave away the scholarship. “When I see people in various parts of the country, especially those risking their lives at the frontline, working so hard to contain the virus, my heart goes out to them. I want to do my part for the motherland. As a college student, I’m nurtured by the country, so I have to repay it. I feel obliged to support these efforts,” said the freshman.

Moreover, Wei also participated actively in the voluntary service organized by local communities to combat the pandemic, which shows how responsible and dedicated a college student in the New Era can be.


School address:

5th and 6th floor, No.4 Teaching Building, Yanshan campus, Shandong University of Finance and Economics